I don’t have any artwork to show.

I’ve met artists, and I say I am an artist. Meanwhile, I either deleted, destroyed, or kept no record of any of my works. Lost forever.

This text has been brought over from my Substack, first published on 9th of July, 2024

Back to figuring out how this works! It’s silly that at this point I’m not aiming to have paid subscribers, because I guess the point is to make use of the feature?

To refresh my own memory:

  • This Substack was made to attempt to record my notes on process, steps, further goals, roadmaps, mind maps, cartography as needed. Clearer written expression, articulation. Talk about books, eventually.

  • Expand on my Pinterest posts if I ever make it to that (I’ve set it up at least). I’m not sure if you can do long captions there. It’s a well liked search engine, I’ve noticed lots of “real life” artists are there.

I want to have my own shop and website, because Instagram isn’t necessarily my cup of tea, but I didn’t think it was worth it financially right now to pay for a Shopify or Squarespace monthly subscription, but that’s what I’d like to do later on.

Speaking of Instagram blues, as far as TikTok is concerned, I love seeing what all the painters and artists do there, but haven’t developed it much myself.

Back to Substack, If anyone likes it and would like to subscribe for free, great! But at this point I’m not sure what I would have available to offer for value for those who paid, and I think that’s okay for now. Today I’m doodling on napkins, I can’t waltz in with an oil painting.

One of the ideas I had last night was “I’m an artist, but I don’t have any art to sell.” Not even a sticker… Prints, anything.

The following idea was to start a ko-fi or Paypal, or some kind of a gift wishlist with watercolor, gouache, paper, and an Apple mouse. But I realize that’s a lot, and I don’t feel it’s appropriate, so I’ll save that for later or get them myself, whilst sticking to what I have now.

I forgot to add to the previous text that one of my long-term goals is to eventually experiment with oil painting, on linen, canvases, etc. Again, because it didn’t even cross my mind during my Visual Arts degree. I thought I couldn’t possibly be that good, good enough. Never tried.

I can’t paint at all, or I can barely paint, but I think it makes sense for me to learn.

It’s a recurrent flashback from drama school - I attended a while after my Visual Arts degree; and now you can have an idea of my background, I’m not at all without material resources, just my trajectory has been shaky to put it some kind of way.

Back to the flashback, during a post term feedback talk, being asked what I would like to do in my free time for summer break.

Work on my creative writing, painting, drawing, poems, art, music, guitar, piano, I said. (I never did, because other events ensued…ages unspeakable)

“That’s all fine, but it’s all very internal, introspective, it’s work within yourself.”

Then he told me to go out to a bar in character, whatever character we had just worked on, also to join a tango class, and let myself be touched by people.

Look, I get it, believe me…

But anyway that was then, and it may be that it is my turn to just be me now!!!!!!

So I’ll hopefully get to that painting as possible.

On the good news front: I did get a Macbook Pro, but I realized maybe I should’ve chosen an iPad to use Procreate since I’m interested in animals illustrations? But I’ll make it work.

I have a new drawing journal, some basic decent pens and pencils, and all the new editing creative software that I purchased within my budget, with or without a mouse:

  • Macbook

  • Creative Cloud

I think the greatest assets beyond those two, which are still missing for me, are simply time, space and day job stability. I also read that as an artist one should make use of “pockets” of time, instead of waiting for a clean cut chunk of six perfect full uninterrupted hours of work.

  • I've been trying to figure my way around After Effects, Premiere Pro,

  • I’ve been able to update my Linktree, Instagram (it’s at brunasilvaart - Bruna Silva but there’s something wrong with the link so maybe I’ll have to change usernames), and YouTube

  • It’s all a little loose and messy, I’ll work towards solidifying that so it’s easier for people to see what it’s about.

Next I think I’ll try to focus on:

  • Animals Illustration

  • Pet portraits as freelance gigs?

  • Flying-foxes, wombats, possums, potoroos, dingos, koalas, kangaroo, wallaby, tassie devils, emu stickers or prints on Redbubble?

  • Pinterest, Instagram - Build portfolio professionally

  • After Effects - trim paths animation tutorial, since I made one of a flying-fox outline, so what else can I do with it?

  • Can I make a motion flyer? In order to get freelance gigs on Fiverr or Upwork. I say this with as much awareness as I can that none of these things are easy, they take years of experience, etc.

  • Doing my best to don’t stay on just talk and plans forever.

If you’re reading this and have advice, or any clarity to offer, please go ahead and leave a comment, be my beacon in this time.